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January 2023 Newsletter

November $1,000 Winner

“Fund My Future PGH has been an opportunity for me to introduce savings to my child so that she can save and take ownership of saving for her future.”

Congratulations to Alma, our Fund My Future PGH November $1000 winner! Alma first enrolled in Fund My Future PGH in 2016 when her daughter was in kindergarten. Her daughter was not aware of saving back then but now she knows that she has a college savings account. 

For Alma, she started saving in high school, but it wasn’t until college that she got her first savings account. Back then she was very careful about spending and tried to save a little bit each month. When Alma graduated from college, she continued her savings habit. These funds supported her daughter’s extra activities in the arts – acting, singing, and writing. Almas is encouraging her to focus on her writing because she can use it in any field that she chooses. 

The morning that Alma received the call from Ms. Corinealdi notifying her that she was a $1000 winner, she was filled with excitement. She had been recently thinking to herself, “I wonder if anyone ever wins” after receiving the reminder emails. She submitted the paperwork required to claim her prize, which is $500 in cash and $500 in a PA college savings plan. Alma plans to deposit the $500 into her daughter’s account. 

November $50 Winner

“Fund My Future PGH is a nice incentive for parents like me to make an effort to save for education and it’s a great feeling to know that the balance is increasing and to win a prize.” 

Elizabeth is a Fund My Future PGH $50 winner from November. She found out about the program at a community event, did research at home, and signed up on the website ( She figured she had nothing to lose and might even win money for saving regularly for her children.  

At the time Elizabeth joined Fund My Future PGH, she was already saving for her children on birthdays and holidays. She wanted the encouragement and reminders to save that come through the monthly emails. Since then, she has developed a routine and feels relieved knowing that the contributions she’s making for all three children will grow over time.   

Elizabeth didn’t start saving until she attended high school. Starting her children on their savings journeys earlier was important to Elizabeth. She feels good knowing that they will have more opportunities than she did. 

Elizabeth is a first time Fund My Future PGH winner and she couldn’t be more excited! She recalls receiving an email from Ms. Corinealdi, filling out the survey, and telling her children about the win. Elizabeth plans to split the money between her three children’s savings accounts. 

December $50 Winner

“Fund My Future PGH is helping me align financial literacy for my boys so they can be educated before they become adults.” 

Lacal is another Fund My Future PGH November $50 winner. She signed up for the program at an event at her son’s school, Propel McKeesport, after reading a flyer sent home in her son’s backpack. 

Seeing Fund My Future PGH at her child’s school really hit home for her. She recalled a credit union coming to her elementary school to promote savings programs. A seed had been planted that took many years to grow.  

Growing up, no one talked to Lacal about money. Lacal’s personal savings journey started in 2019 when her husband proposed to her, and they started making plans. Lacal is currently saving for her oldest child. With these winnings, she plans to open savings accounts for her other two children and start saving for all three.