Frequently Asked Questions
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What is Fund My Future?
Fund My Future is a children’s savings program available to all families with children from birth to age 18 in Allegheny County. Adults can enroll in the program through an online portal. Raffle tickets are drawn monthly as incentives to families to make deposits to their children’s accounts.
What are the prizes that can be won with the raffle tickets?
View our complete explanation of available prizes and rules for eligibility.
Why should I participate in Fund My Future?
There are many reasons! You may have always wanted to have a savings account for your child but haven’t gotten around to it until now. You want to take practical steps to invest in your child’s future. You want to join a unique and exciting savings movement in Allegheny County. And of course, you would love to win a prize!
Why is this opportunity being offered to families in Allegheny County?
We believe that when families save for the future, they create hope in their children’s potential that leads to brighter futures. We want to see all families invest and all children succeed. County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto helped to bring this opportunity to Allegheny County residents.
Who is funding this program?
The participating families make deposits to their own accounts. Program-related costs, such as raffle prizes, incentives, technology, marketing and staff costs are supported by a number of foundations and private donations. View the current list here.
Which organizations are participating?
Fund My Future relies on partnerships with schools, service agencies, banks, and city and county government. View our current list of partners.
Who can participate and how?
Any adult that lives in Allegheny County can enroll in Fund My Future, open an account with any financial institution on behalf of any child, aged 0-18, and make deposits to earn a monthly raffle ticket.
How do I sign up?
It’s easy! To sign up, go to and enroll by providing your contact information and the birthdate of the youngest child for whom you are saving. If your child(ren) doesn’t have a savings account at a bank or credit union or 529 plan, then open one at the financial institution of your choice and start making deposits so you can earn raffle tickets monthly.
Do I need a separate login for each child?
No, you enroll once on the Fund My Future website and can save for as many children as you like.
What kinds of bank accounts can be used for Fund My Future?
Any savings account from a financial institution may be used for Fund My Future. This includes joint accounts, custodial accounts and 529 plans, and can be from credit unions, banks or the State government.
What if I don’t have a bank account for my child
If you don’t already have a bank account that you’re using for long-term savings for your child, then you can open one from the financial institution of your choice.
Do I need a separate bank account for each child?
Yes, each bank account should list one child’s name. If you have multiple children you’d like to save for, you’ll need a separate bank account for each one.
How do I make deposits to the child’s account?
This will depend on the type of account you have. Generally, you may be able to make deposits at your bank branch, through online banking, through direct deposit, or at an ATM if you have a bank card.
Can I make withdrawals to my bank account?
Since the purpose of Fund My Future is to establish long-term savings for a child, withdrawing money from that child’s account is discouraged. However, we know that emergencies do arise, and participating in Fund My Future does not create any additional limits on access to your account. If you do decide to make a withdrawal, you will not be eligible for prizes during the prize period of the withdrawal.
How much should I deposit into my bank account?
This is completely up to you! The earlier you start saving, the more opportunities your child will have after high school. It’s the habit that counts, and making regular deposits and talking about the account with your child will make a difference.
If I leave Allegheny County, what happens to my money?
If you, the adult who enrolled in Fund My Future, moves out of Allegheny County, you will no longer be eligible for prizes. However, the money remains in your account for the account holder to access.
What should I do once my child graduates from high school or turns 18?
Congratulations! It’s now time to use the money that you have saved. You may want to contact the bank or credit union that holds your bank account for guidance on withdrawing funds. Any scholarship money won from Fund My Future will be held in a PA 529 plan to be available to pay postsecondary expenses of the child.
When or why might my account be closed?
You should check with your financial institution for its policies regarding dormant accounts (accounts where there has been no activity for an extended period of time).
What information may be shared and why?
Fund My Future will have access to your contact information in order to issue raffle tickets and to communicate with you. Fund My Future may ask for participants to respond to survey questions in order to understand program activity for program evaluation purposes and may share aggregated information with our research partners; we never disclose any personally identifiable information. Fund My Future will not have access to your password or login information.
I Need Help! Who Should I Call?
If you have a question related to your bank account, you should call the bank that holds your account or go to for questions about PA 529 plans. If you have a question related to Fund My Future (prizes, events, etc.), contact us at or call 833-SAVEWIN 412-360-8470.
The ritual of making Fund My Future deposits “gives me a reason to tell my first grader [about] the importance of saving for college.”
“My son actually comes to me and says we need to deposit. This makes me take [saving for college] more seriously and think about it more on a continuous basis.”