by Chelsea Contino | Sep 27, 2022 | Newsletter, Stories
July $50 Winner “Save now because the struggle now will pay off. You want to have something that will fill that gap when college won’t.” Congratulations to Doreen, a Fund My Future PGH July $50 winner! Doreen signed up for Fund My Future in 2018 at a...
by Chelsea Contino | Aug 28, 2022 | Newsletter, Stories
June $50 Winner “Saving is prioritizing your child’s future and well-being.” Congratulations to Tammy, a Fund My Future PGH $50 June winner! Tammy heard about Fund My Future PGH a while back but it wasn’t until last year when her co-worker told her about it, that she...
by Chelsea Contino | Jul 12, 2022 | Newsletter, Stories
May $50 Winner “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.” – Maya Angelou. Wanisha’s quote stems from Maya Angelou’s quote….. “It’s very important to reassure my son that...
by Chelsea Contino | Jul 12, 2022 | Newsletter, Stories
April $50 Winner “Saving for your child’s future will help them dowhat they want to do without stressing about money” Amber enrolled in Fund My Future PGH shortly after giving birth in January of 2021. She received a packet from the hospital that included information...
by Chelsea Contino | Jul 12, 2022 | Newsletter, Stories
February’s $1,000 Winner! “First I was just saving but after participating in Fund My Future PGH, I took it more seriously; Fund My Future PGH gives me motivation to keep on saving.” Congratulations to Markia, our Fund My Future PGH March $1000 winner. Markia...